Baillod Name Meaning
The following paragraph suggests possible semantic origins for the Baillod name:
Baillod - Anciennement Bailliod. Du latin bajulus, porteur, bajulare, donner, bailler, dans le sens de tuteur, gouverneur, bailli. Variantes: Baillods (branche des Baillod neuchâtelois), Baillot, Bailloud, Bayoud et Bayot (ces deux derniers pouvant aussi venir du latin badius, brun, bai). Le patronyme genevois Bajulaz est un dérivé patois féminin du latin bajulus, dans le sens de baillive. (5.7.92 - Dictionary of Swiss Names)
Translation: Baillod - In the past Bailliod. Of Latin bajulus, carrier, bajulare, to give, bailler, in the direction of tutor, governor, baillif. Alternatives: Baillods (connects of Baillod neuchâtelois), Baillot, Bailloud, Bayoud and Bayot (these two last also being able to come from Latin badius, brown, bai). The patronym genevois Bajulaz is a derivative female patois of Latin bajulus, in the direction of baillive. (5.7.92)
Bailey is an English occupational name for a steward or official, from the Middle English bailli = carrier, porter. In Scotland, the bailli is the magistrate and bailiff is a form that has evolved elsewhere. Occasionally, the name is derived as an English Place name from a Middle English word derived from Old French baille = enclosure. In this form it originally meant the person living by the outer wall of the castle, but Old Bailey, a place in Lancashire which formed part of the outer wall of some medieval castle, also became the origin for surname for people from that location. There are numerous variations in many countries, including Baillie (Scotland), Bayless, Bailess, Lebailly (French), Bally (Swiss), Baglione (Italian), and Bailloux (Provencal).